Tuesday, 25 March 2008

OECD broadband infographic using Google Motion Chart

Over the weekend I've been fiddling with the OECD Broadband stats to get them into a Google Spreadsheet and then be able to publish the results in their moving charts. I've also made a heat chart. It's not really perfect, but it shows the possibilities. One of the conlusions I do draw is that there seems to be a strong correlation between household PC usage and Broadband penetration. Unfortunately there are only limited numbers available for PC usage

I've found that the apps are not consistent in the way the work. A heatmap works with rows, a moving chart with columns. Also I'm missing tracking options to follow one particular dot (you can click them, but they don't leave a trail unfortunately.) You can find the sheet here.

If you really want to know how it is done, than have a look at http://gapminder.org/ or look at the Youtube movie of Prof. Hans Rosling, the inventor, at the end.

Moving Chart

Heat Map

Hans Rosling


  1. Interesting graph - maybe if it was a bit bigger as well as being able to track individual countries more closely!

  2. Hi Rudolf,

    Clearly you still have must some lunatic tendancies if you want to trawl through all this data ;-)

    Some other sources I found very useful include the ITU, World Bank and the IMF.

    Looking at these (I must also be nuts...), I found that unsurprisingly the strongest correlation was between the number of fixed lines and broadband connections.

    You can see how the BB penetration as % of fixed lines follows a similar pattern in most countries with the only variable being an offset on the start date. ie the UK's penetration rate tracks Norway's but is about 3 years later, so if you want to know how many BB users in the UK in 2010, look at Norway's BB as % of fixed lines in 2007 and apply it to the UK's fixed lines estimate for 2010.

    You get some lovely straight lines if you are crazy enough to do it this way!



  3. Jeremy,

    Great Comment, I didn't know that one. What I find interesting here is to see how big the impact of Home PC usage is for the end-result. You can really see the growth spurts. But your comment shows that almost inevitably lagging countries will get there too.

    For mr. Anonymous... you could use the apps "border: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204);" src="http://k2alr2pc-a.gmodules.com/ig/ifr?up__table_query_url=http%3A%2F%2Fspreadsheets.google.com%2Ftq%3Frange%3DA4%253AE345%26key%3DpxKfXuLfJge438VIgRthIGA%26gid%3D0%26pub%3D1&up_title=Penetratrion%20rate%20per%20country&up_state=&up__table_query_refresh_interval=0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fig%2Fmodules%2Fmotionchart.xml" frameborder="0" height="325" scrolling="no" width="410" to change height and width... I had to fiddle a bit to make it fit... If you set height and width to 1000 in an HTML page you make yourself they would be more clear.

  4. Jeremy, are you using world bank data ? I don't see this kind of time shifted common pattern among countries such as DK, NO, UK and IT.


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